Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011

I'm singing in the Rain....

When it rains in China, and it does happen quite frequently, it really RAIIIINS!!! It’s like the world is falling apart! I sort of had to think about Noah’s Ark, while walking trough knee-deep water with sneakers and jeans on…. I guess it would have been easy to find living male and  female Panda bears… but what about the other animals!!???! They say that Cantonese people eat everything (and when I say everything, I mean everything!!) that can swim, fly or has four legs except for U-Boats, airplanes and tables… (Additional Information: Did you know that some panda bears are so dumb that they don’t even know how to spawn theirselves??? Due to a documentation,  pandas need to be shown Panda-Porns so that they know how to do it… Well I thought that’s pretty important to know….!).

Anyway Melina (my swiss friend) and I had a funny time ;)

Rain in Guangzhou

2 Kommentare:

  1. uiii neiii, isch ja mega viel räge :-D hahaha..mega luschtig..musch der rägestiefel chaufe ;)

  2. ich hätte da noch ein paar gummiistiiiefel zuhause.apropos du beschwerst dich auf hohem niveau.bei uns ists schon halb-winter.

