Sonntag, 13. November 2011

Food in Guangzhou

As mentioned in Guangzhou they eat everything!! So it’s said that you can order almost everything that can swim, fly or has four legs except for U-Boats, airplanes and tables. So did I… Here some pictures of some (for westeners) weird things I ate…  Some of the things didn't actually taste that bad...

Well lets start with something normal...

 Me trying to be a Panda...

 Crispy pigeon

 Fish and Fish and Tofu (Bean curd) and Tofu (Bean curd) ;)

The famous DURIAN Fruit alias stinky fruit...ikkkkkkk

Some sticks... Shrimps, Crab and finally some "Ohregrübler"

 Chicken foot

Chicken head and chicken foot

Some tender frog legs (we cooked them in the Hot Pot (Chinesisches Fondue)

Hot Snake Porridge (wasn't my favorite...)

 And finally a mask... haaaaa i got you!! This is just a normal herb! No animal!

I guess you are all hungry now... Therefore bon appetit!!!

xoxo V

3 Kommentare:

  1. ooohregrüübler....iieeeeew...wääk. zum glück isch nonig mittag.diese guangzhouaner essen echt alles.ieeew.

  2. ohhhhh vannniiiimammmmmaaaa... ichhh vermisse dich meine süesse zucker-schnecke-panda-mauuuuuuuuuuuus... kuss kuss kuss... freu mi uf de februaaar... melbeatz

  3. iiiiiiiiiiiihhh..mir chunts fascht ufe. höööör uf so sache ässeeeeee ey, du bisch unglaublich :)

